Measuring Arterial Material Properties using Wave-based Approaches with Ultrasound and Computational Models

  • Title: Measuring arterial material properties using wave-based approaches with ultrasound and computational models
  • Sponsor: NIH
  • Period: 1/1/2020-12/31/2025
  • PIs: Matthew Urban, James F Greenleaf (Mayo College of Medicine), Wilkins Aquino (Duke University), Murthy Ghudatti (NCSU)
  • IOMechLab Postdocs/Students: Nicholas Hugenberg, Hadiya Harrigan, Youngsoo Baek

We explore the characterization and control of ultrasound-induced arterial motion in collaboration with North Carolina State University and the Mayo Clinic.Finite-element methods are used to simulate the propagation of complex impulses through the carotid

artery and provide support for the development of computationally-efficient waveguide-based models of arterial dynamics.Examining the underlying physics leads us to analytical and optimization methods for designing experiments to control the vibration patterns induced during ultrasound, and working with patient metadata allows us to explore machine-learning approaches to stratify patients into differing risk categories for cardiovascular diseases based on ultrasound assessment of the arteries. 

Arterial Simulation
Arterial Simulation